Seventh Grade went on a three day, two night trip to Camp Geneva by Lake Griffin State Park. Students really enjoyed the trip and all the fun activities available there. Here’s a quick recap of the trip.
Day 1:
We left JLA and got comfortable for the 5 hour bus ride to the campsite. Many kids played video games or brought games of their own. Once everyone got to the camp Dr. Stone announced the bunks. There were 9 bunks which ranged from 4 to 6 kids. After setting down and taking all of our luggage to the bunks, everyone gathered in the activities center for our first activity. Our activity was to ….A recreation of different constellations. Afterwards kids were allowed to play different card games amongst each other.
Day 2:
With a nice wake up at 8 o’clock everyone stumbled into the activities center for Tefillah. After tefillah and breakfast we learned of our second activity, which was building a self sustaining Di Vinci Bridge. We built models out of popsicle sticks in the morning and built life size bridges after lunch using big wooden blocks. Once the bridges were complete and could hold a human everyone changed into their swimsuits and headed to the lake. The boys got the first turn in the lake while the girls were in the pool. Popular activities in the lake were the massive blob, the platform in the middle of the swimming area, and kayaking with Gareth the security guard. After 45 minutes the boys and the girls switched. In the end everyone enjoyed popsicles and took shelter before it started raining. We then had dinner and after that we had a movie night in the activity center where we watched Sandlot. In the middle of the movie everyone headed outside to get some smores. The smores were very popular. Roey Carmel said it was his favorite part of the trip/ After a long day of fun we all headed back to the cabins for the night.
Day 3:
After morning Tefillah and breakfast the girls headed over to the zipline and the boys played games in the activity room.After every girl had a chance to go twice they went to go play games and the boys went to the Zipline. Once everyone was done we ate lunch for one last time in the dining hall. Then we all packed up our things and got ready for the five hour bus ride back. Back at JLA everyone was happy to be back with their families and get the next day off.
Overall the trip was very fun and a great success. Jacob Dayan said I thought it was a good experience because everything we did was really fun. When I first got there it looked a little creepy because I had never gone to camp before, but once we started the activities it was really fun. Overall I would rate it an 8 out of 10. The seventh graders cannot wait until their America trip next year.